A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell (Or, an Account of Catastrophe by Stoudemire McCloud, Demon)

A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell (Or, an Account of Catastrophe by Stoudemire McCloud, Demon)

Paperback (27 Aug 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis


Order is the focal point around which existence revolves. Without order there is only chaos. And in the halls of Damnation (pronounced Dam-NAWT-ion, thank you kindly) the first sign of impending chaos is a cup of tea made without the water having first been well and properly boiled in a kettle.

Why is this relevant, O nameless narrator? you ask. Who cares about the preparatory order of tea in the fires of Hell?

Lucifer, dear reader. After all, how does one expect to properly greet the newcomers to Hell without having first had a hot cup of tea to bulwark the cold?

Behold The Morning Star, frantic on the annual Morning of Souls, the arrival of Damnation's newest recruits.

Someone has misplaced the kettle.

Book information

ISBN: 9781736784853
Publisher: Luketarzian.com
Imprint: Luketarzian.com
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 108
Weight: 109g
Height: 190mm
Width: 120mm
Spine width: 7mm