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Waiting to be Wanted: A Stepmom's Guide to Loving Before Being Loved

Waiting to be Wanted: A Stepmom's Guide to Loving Before Being Loved

Paperback (15 Jan 2021)

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Paperback (15 Jan 2021) $14.33

Publisher's Synopsis

Feeling the weight of isolation and battle that exists in the chasm between what you expected when you became a stepmom, and the impossible reality of the life you're living? Distress, shame, and hopelessness has you feeling voiceless and stuck? That isn't God's plan for you. He comes to pluck you from the wastelands "in between".

Join Cheryl for an empathetic, vulnerable, humorous, and restorative look at the challenges of stepmomming. Taking her cues from Papa God, Cheryl invites you into the adventure of loving before being loved. Be refreshed for your journey by a resource focused on the power of God's love and His word to heal hearts, comfort and strengthen stepmoms, and transform relationships. You will find hope, grace, and courage to love and wait without losing your peace, your resolve, your marriage, or your mind.

Every stepmom, who has ever wondered, "Can I do this?" will hear God's decisive, "Yes, WE can!"

Book information

ISBN: 9781736402504
Publisher: CC Shumake LLC DBA Stepmom Sanity
Imprint: CC Shumake LLC DBA Stepmom Sanity
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 376g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm