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American Valor

American Valor

Paperback (15 Jan 2021)

  • $17.68
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Publisher's Synopsis

The United States' involvement in the two world wars of the twentieth century drastically changed the country's role in the world. It also changed the world's perception of the country. Up until 1917, America had stayed out of European affairs for the most part. That all changed when events brought about the involvement of U.S. troops in a conflict in Europe. A sleeping giant had awakened.

American troops turned the tide of that first world war. They repeated the accomplishment in the second world war fighting both in Europe as well as the Pacific Theatre. In the end, the United States became a world leader. It became the world's leading democracy as both the most powerful and prosperous country on earth. This transformation happened because of the integrity and valor of the American leadership and the American people. This is the story of one American family who worked through the two world wars and the depression, surviving on hard work and courage.

Book information

ISBN: 9781736384589
Publisher: MindStir Media
Imprint: MindStir Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 327g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm