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The True Adventures of Gidon Lev: Rascal Holocaust Survivor Optimist

The True Adventures of Gidon Lev: Rascal Holocaust Survivor Optimist

Paperback (01 Jul 2020)

  • $18.54
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Publisher's Synopsis

The quirky, hopeful, and thoroughly inspirational story of the unusual life of a Holocaust survivor and the writer who loved him. Of the 15,000 children in the Nazi concentration camp of Theresienstadt in the Czech Republic, fewer than 100 survived. Gidon Lev is one of those children. One part memoir, one part travelogue, and one part history that you thought you knew, The True Adventures of Gidon Lev is a love letter to life that IndieReader called "Inventively structured and impeccably written." (5 star review)

Book information

ISBN: 9781735249704
Publisher: Julie Gray
Imprint: Julie Gray
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 408g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 18mm