Awakening the Healing Soul

Awakening the Healing Soul Indigenous Wisdom for Today's World

eBook (04 Jun 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Awakening the Healing Soul is a paradigm busting exploration of contemporary psychology that updates the profession with ancient shamanic wisdom. Having traveled to remote regions of the world exploring "jungle medicine" Blanchard, through storytelling and in fine trickster fashion, charts a hopeful healing course for the suffering person. Shamans and sangomas are among the author's instructors.The healing power of the human mind, rituals within ceremonies, community involvement, and plant medicines can remedy most any malady from trauma to addictions. Age-old aboriginal concepts of sacred magic and the super natural hold equal standing and can be as effective as many Western healing practices. After being successfully applied for tens of thousands of years, evidence-based methods are the hallmark of indigenous medicine. Similarly, best practices are not just mechanical in nature but spirit infused - another time-tested way of healing.

Book information

ISBN: 9781734864519
Imprint: Distributed By Ingram Spark
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 292
Weight: -1g