Publisher's Synopsis
This book is written by the minority migrant artist, who does not want to see failure of the greatest country on a planet and thought (like many) that Trump's two presidential turns would make this country prosperous again. Trump supposed to save America. However, during his 1st presidential turn, he started vaccination and lockdowns, that brought this country in a state, when there is no way back to normal. He did not win 2nd turn, but does it matter? Does author still trust the Trump's plan to make America great again? No. Donald all his life was a democrat who suddenly turned a conservative agenda supporter and even leader. It happened after his daughter Ivanka Trump became the Klaus Schwab's (WEF) Young Global Leader, class 2015. Then, Ivanka became the President Trump's advisor. Klaus Schwab wants to build the SiFi Marxist reality, a society of slaves, where he and AI would be the slaves drivers. We live among aggressive liars, swindlers, and coxcombs. However, capitalism at least gives a chance, the freedoms and liberties, while socialism and communism give nothing but repression. Author of this book does not believe that the liberal democrats are sincerely interested in prosperity of the migrants, immigrants and the minorities, as well as others. All they want is to use everyone for their own benefits. Trump during his 1st presidency unfortunately did not prove that he is different. This book was written before the author came to this conclusion related to Trump.