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Journey To Love

Journey To Love A Story About LOVE Told in a Series of Short Poems

Paperback (17 Feb 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

JOURNEY TO LOVE is a series of poems that tell the story of LOVE. Each poem is ideally crafted to capture the true feelings and thoughts of the moments during the journey. These series of poems truly encapsulate the journey to love; beginning from the end of one relationship and ending with wedding bells. Our passions and emotions weave through the rose pedals of life, intertwining two heart's journey to reach one vision of true LOVE. Though no one is entitled to automatically find true LOVE make no mistake about it, we are all born to LOVE. Kevin's poems are vivid and engaging and digs deep into the imagination of reaching the ultimate of true LOVE. An exceptional and inspirational adventure every step of the way ! KEVIN J. BROWN is founder of Chasing Greatness, LLC. He is an author, a poet, a motivational speaker and a podcast host. Most importantly, he is a creator. Kevin creates motivational content to inspire and motivate others to be greater and do greater. Chasing Greatness is a call to action to search for something greater than ourselves.

Book information

ISBN: 9781732248267
Publisher: Chasing Greatness Publications
Imprint: Chasing Greatness Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 100g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 3mm