Publisher's Synopsis
DENIS LOLA MARTIN - TRUTH OR FRAUD, YOU DECIDE". Nostradamus famously painted a prediction that the end of the world would come from a "Great King of Terror" who would bring utter calamity upon humanity. For centuries, people around the globe have feared his predictions... but, what if everyone is wrong about his meaning? "Golden Age Of Godsetti" unveils phenomena that weave together prominent players: De Nostredame ("Nostradamus" in modern terms), MARS, NASA, the New York Times and Martin herself. Her testimony acts as proof that the Cosmos/pitch black outer space is alive, intelligent and, intervenes in human affairs to make itself known to the people of the Earth. The revelations that are presented by Ms. Martin are supported by events that occurred on Mars in 1999 and in 2005. Confirmed by NASA, these events detail the possibility of life on Mars as cited in an article from the New York Times on December 7, 2006. THREE YEARS before the 2005 event happened on Mars, Martin foretold the 2005 event in her 2002 copyright work "Godsetti Revelation" Quote - LOOK TO MARS, THE SECOND FACE SHALL BE PROOF OF OUR EXISTENCE -unquote. FIVE DAYS before the December 7th article went public, Ms Martin wrote the SAME QUOTE on a blog at on December 02, 2006."Golden Age Of Godsetti" specifically, mathematically DECODES the Century X-72 Quatrain to show the coming of a different kind of "King" unlike the " Great King Of Terror" cited in the CODED Quatrain. An intelligent, powerful and peaceful extraterrestrial "King" has woken on the Earth and intervenes in the affairs of humanity in the 21st century and beyond. The absence of war between sovereign nations and the genesis of a placid rest among humans that is spreading over our world like a warm blanket is evidence of a power that no human could initiate globally. Ms Martin shows, in her enlightened DECODED Century X-72 Quatrain that there is no "Great King of Terror" to come from the sky as Nostradamus appears to predict, but rather, "A Great King of Mars" has come to effectuate peace upon humans against terror. There is no dark end for humanity instead, we are witnessing a peaceful new beginning for humanity. ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Ms. Martin was born in Detroit Michigan.