Publisher's Synopsis
THE MAD MONEY BOOK HOW TO MAKE AND MASTER MONEY by Craig LockALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT MONEY A commonsense guide to what every person should know about money: how to make the most of it and manage it. Written by an ordinary "bloke" for the 'average'* man or woman in the street, every Tom, Dick or Harry or Mary. * is there such as a thing as 'the average' or 'ordinary' person? Everybody I've met has been unique.This book tells every reader the basic principles of money: # how to maximize income through setting goals, planning and budgeting# how to earn good money: how to get and choose a job. Financial rewards are not everything, other ways to earn money# insurance (life and short term): principles of insurance, how to save money buying insurance. Hints for buying a house, car, travel and life assurance# spending: how to save on outgoings, where you can cut down on food bills, consumer items. How you can save car expenses and hints on buying a car. How to buy and sell a house# borrowing: when and where to borrow money, the true cost of debt, how to get consumer credit# saving: general principles, bank + building society accounts, how to get the best interest, simple and compound interest # retiring: how to get ready, wills, estates and last things, income and investment in retirement and a host of other items."A passion for anything will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means"