Publisher's Synopsis
This book aims to explain how to apply artificial intelligent machine men to teach students in University. If one day, artificial intelligent machine men can be invent to own human's mind and judgement abilities. I believe that universities can attempt to apply artificial intelligent machine men to teach students in lecturer hall. When, artificial intelligent machine men can be invented to learn how to reading any books, writing any books, learning any subject knowledge, even learn how to make judgement to answer any students studying challenges. Then, it is possible that they can be applied to replace universities lecturers their teaching jobs to teach students in univeristy hall.I suppose artificial intelligent technology will be one popular new technological education method to replace university lecturers to teach their students in university lectuer hall in the future. When the human lecturer teach whose subjects knowledge to let the artificial intelligent machine man to learn and to remember what every univeristy course content that the human lecturer will speak in univeristy teaching hall. Then, the artificial intelligent machine man can replace the human lecturer to attempt to teach whose subject students in univeristy lecturing hall. So, if the artificial intelligent machine leactuer is invented to own human's mind and judgement and analyzing abilities, then it can attempt to analyze every student's enquiries concerning every time lecturing content questions in order to answer their enquires. Due to they had learnt the course content to remember to their artificial intelligent brain, so it is possible that they can answer any student's enquires suddenly in lecturing halls. Nowadays, artificial intelligent technology and online technology and online book stores are high technological intelligent product. Hence, human ourselves will have possible to cause artificial intelligent machine men to own human's mind to learn how to read books and/or write books abilities. When artificial intelligent machine men can learn how to read books and/or write books. Consequently, it means that artificial intelligent machine men can own human mind to do any jobs. In my this book, I shall assume when artificial intelligent machine men can learn how to write books and/or read books. Then, they will have human's mind ability in possible. Can future artificial intelligent machine men be invented to learn how to write books and/or read books ability? In my this book, I shall attempt to answer this question. Finally, I hope my readers can attempt to make judgement whether artificial intelligent machine men can really learn how to write and read books to do lecturer's teaching job. In the future, AI technology can be applied to education industry. It will be one new technological popular education tool to assist university teachers to teach their students after the human lecturers had taught their teaching subject contents to let them to remember before every time lecturing teaching in lecture hall.To explain how AI technological technology can be apply to developing countries in Asia, e.g. Philippines, Korea, China, US, UK etc. developed countries to replace human lecturers to teach their students popularly. The benefits of AI machine teaching lecturer can assist human lecturer to teach students in lecturing halls, then human lecturers can concentrate on researching jobs.