Publisher's Synopsis
This is more than just an account of ministry to and with the Roma. Martin's calling to work with the Roma community in Luton is a profound witness to God's love for all his people and their well-being. This Gadjo dillo - this crazy Englishman - reveals glimpses of heaven in those who so often have been marginalised, oppressed and despised. This book is about a dream - the dream that Roma and Gadje of all colours, languages and backgrounds can, as one new humanity, come together as a foretaste of heaven. Rooted in his commitment to the Luton Roma community, Martin opens up to us the heights and depths of this most alienated people, and enables them to speak of God's love and purposes for us all." (Bishop Richard Atkinson, OBE - Bishop of Bedford) "In One New Humanity, Martin embarks on a reflective journey that is both provoking and deeply insightful. His writing illustrates the benefits of working cross-culturally while engaging the Biblical witness. Years of friendship with the Roma broaden and deepen his Biblical understanding, thus allowing him to critique his own British culture. At the same time, he brings an outsider perspective to evaluate certain aspects of how the Roma are living out their Pentecostalism in his particular UK context. Within these two intersecting currents, he is able to envision a thoroughly Gospel-centered yet contextual picture of 'One New Humanity in Christ' -pointing to something beyond Roma rights policies and Gadje-Roma relations. In fact, this is a book for all Christians who want to reflect on their own cultural blind spots in light of the Biblical narrative." (Melody J. Wachsmuth - mission researcher and writer)