Publisher's Synopsis
2012. The end of the world. How much did we have to suffer through all those articles, movies, and events that never happened? But I still like the idea of it. Some sort of awakening. This monumental symphony was an awakening for me as a composer because it was my first. Since then I have become accustomed to composing 'musical novels' as opposed to 'musical short stories.'This piece begins with an ever growing energy that bursts into life. But with creation all is not over, it is only the beginning, it needs time to mature against adversity, bouncing between resolution and more growth, infinite, a never ending process.Orchestration: picc, fl1234, ob12, eh, clBb 1234, Bcl, TSax, 12 Bsn, Cbsn, Hrn1234, Tpt 123, Trmb, 12, Btrm, Tba, Tim, Perc (bd, snr, wblks, tri, large and small gongs, sus cym w/st. and sft. mall, hand cym, Agogos, Djembe, glock, celeste, chimes) harp, strings)YouTube video Presentation: https: //