Sales Magic

Sales Magic Revolutionary New Techniques That Will Double Your Sales in 21 Days

eBook (24 Mar 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Kerry Johnson reveals the hidden and subliminal techniques that top sales professionals unconsciously use, and how you can master these simple but profound techniques using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a series of powerful discoveries about behavior, communication and trust. You will learn to speak the language of how your prospect thinks. Learn to: Increase your closing ratios Gain trust in only a few minutes Communicate with your clients on deeper, ever more subtle, levels Use both verbal and physical skills Successfully pace your sales calls Establish rapport with ease and assurance Listen to clients more effectively Turn objections into approvals Discover a client's buying strategy in minutesSales Magic also contains charts, diagrams, and quizzes, as well as a special twenty-one-day program which guarantees that you will be able to successfully use Dr. Johnson's techniques immediately. Johnson is in constant demand as a speaker and motivator, to demonstrate and explain the new technology of selling which he has developed, the technology you will learn to apply in Sales Magic.

Book information

ISBN: 9781722522735
Imprint: G&D Media
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g