Publisher's Synopsis
Prayer is central to the Christian's walk. For years, I use to think that some people were better at praying than others. But as I grew in Christ I came to realize that a prayer is essentially a conversation with God. So are some of us better at the conversation? Not really...they just do it more often. As soon as I started to pray more, I got "better" at it. I found myself having conversations with God throughout the day. One morning as I was reading a prayer book that was gifted to me in 2014, I came across an index card with my prayer list. As I read the list, I noticed that a number of the requests were already DONE. I started to rejoice in the moment and it was then that the Holy Spirit gave me the vision for this journal. Use this prayer journal to record and improve your prayer life as a Christian. It highlights some of the most important journaling aspects of praying: - scripture, forgiveness, thanksgiving, prayer request, decree and declare, and rejoice. The more you use the journal, the more you will notice that your conversations with God will improve. I pray that you will enjoy this prayer journal and be moved to pray in everything.