Publisher's Synopsis
The 1000+ words in this 3rd Grade Reading Vocabulary List have been carefully selected as words which students need to master by the end of Grade 3. Students who achieve this goal will be reading slightly above grade level and will typically score in the top 25% on Grade 3 national reading tests (such as the CTBS and SAT). Another special feature incorporated into this list is the effective use of review words. As we've stated in our earlier vocabulary lists - Not all reading words are created equal. Some words literally require 5-10 times more practice to commit to memory than other words. Because of this reality, we've intentionally repeated certain words several times. Therefore, of the 1008 words listed in the Grade 3 list, approximately 800 are new words and 200 are review words selected from the most difficult 2nd Grade words. The flash cards are presented on 6 cards per page so users will have to cut each page into cards along the black lines to be used as individual cards with their students. Each flash card is individually numbered.