Publisher's Synopsis
Danny is a misfit, he knows that and so does his mum and sister Rachel. They, fearing for him, watch and wait. His father can't stand the sight of a boy that is so unlike him. It is not only at home where Danny is in trouble. School is a trial, he has few friends and many enemies, so life is difficult. Add to that his 'bunking' off and his thieving from shops in the Mall and you would say, this child will turn out like his father, a criminal. What Danny is not, is a thug. He has not inherited his father's liking for booze and brawling. His deprived and violent home is not the cradle for a child without an identity. Dannie is adrift, blowing with the gales that surround him. The only life saver, is sister Rachel, more mother than their mother and protector, confidant and eventual saviour.