Publisher's Synopsis
PUDDLE IN THE WAY Where there's murder, mystery and mayhem forming puddles in the way of a man with a quest, we are bound to find a spellbinding story! When war broke out in Vietnam in the 1950's, an Intelligence Naval Captain recommended to his President. that United States should join that war For his intelligence and bravery in the line of duty he was awarded a medal of honor and promoted. No one could predict the war's influence in the life and career of an unborn investigative writer, his own son. Neither could they forecast, that it might bring the end to the practice of Dr T.S King, four decades later. The juxtaposition in the lives of these two men is the silly mesh of relations created by many others, who were equally unaware of their victory or tragedy. Life itself could demand an endless chivvy to walkthrough and prove yourself. Especially if your father was the Presidential Medal Award winner and retired Rear Admiral Julius Exodus McCain Sr. Would the son's life and those of his lovers become more complicated if he enjoyed a large sum as a gift from a medical doctor, who was later found to be involved in espionage? "There is one glory for the sun, one for the moon, and another glory of the stars; each star different from other stars in glory".