Publisher's Synopsis
"Spiritual Fragrance (Volume 3)" is a compilation of a series of messages given by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum to the Saints in the Church in Yaoundé, Cameroon, on various occasions from April to August 1997.
Though apparently incoherent, these short messages are heart-to-heart exchanges of the author with some of his very close co-workers and co-ministers in the ministry. To say the least, they are solid leadership material at the macro and micro levels. In them, you will find a timely word for children, parents, students, youths, young adults, young couples, would-be missionaries, missionaries on the field, local church pastors and leaders, just to name a few.
The Lord is looking for dependable people to promote into leadership. He is looking for a remnant on whom He can count. Can God take you seriously from the heart?
Since they are heart-to-heart talks between a man and his body of leaders, you may find some language that is seemingly hard or offensive. It just certifies that you, the reader, are only privileged to share in the inner secret life of a spiritual leader and his people. Hardness is needed to balance up the softness.
That is why David prays, saying, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me"(Psalm 23:4). David discerned rightly that comfort from the Lord came through both His rod and His staff.
When the Lord Jesus broke the lunch pack of the willing boy, it fed possibly over 20,000 people, men, women and children included. The boy must have been amazed that his small lunch pack could feed such a huge number of people. If you are not broken, you are useful only to yourself. When you are broken, you become useful to amazingly very many people, beyond what you might have ever imagined.
We send this book out with an outcry to the Lord of the harvest to use it to produce competent ministers of the new covenant. May the Lord reach out to you as you go through it.