Publisher's Synopsis
Dr. Milne J. Ongley, M.D., has practiced medicine on many continents and has cured several hundred thousands of patients in his sixty-five years of practice. He invented his own solution that is injected directly into the joints, and his orthopedic reputation is like many before their time. The greats like Tesla, Freud, Rembrandt, and Einstein also suffered being different and misunderstood-they were a threat to the established point of view at the time.I first met Dr. Ongley at his office in Newport Beach, California, with its signed pictures on the walls of every famous athlete and Olympic champion at the time. There was an energy in the waiting room that felt soothing and loving. But the people sitting there were in pain-many in very serious pain. I noticed that, after their treatment and spending time with Dr. Ongley, every patient had a smile on his or her face when coming back through the waiting room to leave. I had never seen such a transformation. But Dr. Ongley isn't always esteemed by his colleagues. He was-and is-a threat to the medical community, which does not want cures. There's no money in cures. And thus, Dr. Ongley became a target. Dr. Ongley may push his positive thoughts too far, but the facts are brilliant. In the early 1980s, I had four lower discs bone on bone and had problems turning over in bed and was in constant pain. I was referred to him by a friend and had one set of injections. He told me to do these very simple exercises which took no more than ten minutes, and by the third month I was already feeling great. I had an x-ray six months after treatment and the discs had grown back to their normal selves-my problem was solved. Over the years of falling and breaking parts of my skeleton, he was my doctor and became a very close and dear friend. Without him I would be in a wheelchair by now because opting for invasive surgery would never be my first choice.I have spent much time with him over the last thirty-three years and know he is very loving but stands only in truth and integrity and what is best for the patient. He is both gentle and firm. I learned the magic of the body and how unaware we each are related to pain, be it the real cause, the location, and the message it holds for the patient. All of this led to us sitting down having a rather long chat, which led to the information in this book.I know this will be a refreshing wake-up call for many to take responsibility for their own health without putting the medical community on a pedestal. Thoughts, emotions, and pain are the topics of focus in this book. Our multiple prescriptions give us a false sense of safety, but I consider those prescriptions a trap set by the medical community. We live in our self-created prison...but the door is not locked. Let's walk free to live our life.