Publisher's Synopsis
This books is a tale of lost voices, some lost being broken in love, and some along a journey of trying to reclaim their rightful voice again. "The Entrapped Heart" is a tale of two ancient lovers who once met in the hour of enchantment, their eyes gazed at each other and they knew their search was over. Despite the love they shared, they did not get to have the forever happy ending. " The Rebel" is a heart who moved by the voice within, fights against the oppression of the masters to see the beaming joy in the native peasant's faces. " The Triumph" speaks of a love affair between a court poet and a princess and how he loses a contest to another renowned poet and ultimately embraces death in the shame of his failure and losing the love of his life. It becomes a heart breaking story of a tender poetic heart who broke down finally in the lap of defeat and sought his ultimate refuge in ending his life to be on the other side of this world.