Maddie Saves the Ghost Mermaid

Maddie Saves the Ghost Mermaid - Maddie's Adventures

Paperback (08 Oct 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

It's Halloween time and Maddie is so excited! But when a ghost suddenly shows up at Maddie's house and asks for her help, she knows she needs to help! Follow Maddie, Eoin, and Muffins on their latest adventure to save the ghost mermaid!

Read all the novels by Jaclyn Weist!
Maddie's Adventure'sMaddie Saves the DayMaddie Saves the SocksMaddie Saves the Ghost MermaidThe Luck SeriesStolen LuckTwist of LuckBest of LuckMore Than Just LuckNo Such LuckJust My LuckLost LuckSeeking His LuckLost in a Fairy TaleTimelessFearlessEndlessLimitlessGates of Atlantis (Middle Grade)Magicians of the Deep

Book information

ISBN: 9781698461724
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 56
Weight: 64g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 3mm