Publisher's Synopsis
The Sixth To Hull And Back Humorous Short Story AnthologyFilled with Imaginative Tales of Mirth and Legend
A collection of 28 short stories from the winning writers, shortlisted entrants and judges of the 2019 To Hull And Back humorous short story competition. The stories in this book are fun and quirky, written by writers with vivid imaginations. This means all the tales are highly original and entertaining to read. Each will become a fable of mirth and legend in the future.
The authors featured in this anthology are:
- Adrian Hallchurch
- Alan MacGlas
- Brandon Robshaw
- Christie Cluett
- Christine Griffin
- Christopher Fielden
- Dan Purdue
- Eddie Mitra
- EJ Robinson
- Ian Tucker
- John Holland
- Julie Bull
- Karen Jones
- Kathryn Joyce
- Kiare Ladner
- Louise Elliman
- Mark Rutterford
- Martin Strike
- Mel Ciavucco
- Mike Scott Thomson
- Pat Winslow
- Renée Boyer
- Rob McInroy
- Steph Minns
- Steve Sheppard
- Steven John
- Susan Bennett
- Tom Parker
The anthology was first released on Hulloween (31st October) 2019. The winner's copy of the book will make a journey on the Highway to Hull, strapped to a two-wheeled chariot of rampant noisiness. You can learn more about the meaning of the previous sentence and the 'To Hull And Back' competition (which offers the most awesome prize in the field of literature) on Chris Fielden's website.