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The Determined Amish Bachelor LARGE PRINT: Amish Romance

The Determined Amish Bachelor LARGE PRINT: Amish Romance - Seven Amish Bachelors

Paperback (22 Sep 2019)

  • $19.83
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Publisher's Synopsis

Timothy Fuller's choices have sent shockwaves through his once-harmonious family, leaving behind a web of strained relationships and broken trust. As he watches his brothers living out their faith and building beautiful families, the weight of his own missteps bears down heavily on his shoulders.
Now, with his child's arrival drawing near, Timothy can no longer hide from the aftermath of his actions. Each family gathering becomes a minefield of unspoken accusations and painful silences. The impending joy of new life is overshadowed by the discord he's sown throughout his family. But in the heart of their Amish community, where faith runs deep and forgiveness is a cornerstone of their beliefs, Timothy sees a glimmer of hope. With his baby's first cry drawing closer by the day, can he rebuild the family bonds he's shattered and create a home worthy of the new life about to enter their world?

Book information

ISBN: 9781694857637
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 248
Weight: 340g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm