Publisher's Synopsis
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I have also rejected you." Hosea 4:6. Many of God's precious ones are being destroyed and rejected today because they desist from knowing and refuse to learn. Many lives have been maimed, destinies wrecked, purposes thwarted and people destroyed.Examined in this book are 40 Pitfalls which may be likened to the "little, little foxes that destroy the vine" that you must avoid in life if you must get anywhere. These pitfalls are no respecter of persons. Though seemingly little, they are inimical to every one of us.Study this book and life shall never be the same again. What is presented herein is simplified for you to understand why these pitfalls are dangerous and are against your progress. It also proffers solutions on how to handle and overcome them and move ahead in spite of their presence.Until you are changed, you are not qualified for a change. Read to be changed and enforce your long awaited and desired change. Peace!