Publisher's Synopsis
There is only so much a sassy woman or man can give a f*** about today. This is a funny gift for sarcastic introverts, grumpy millenials, or parents who don't want to hear it anymore.
This funny gift for haters is text based and says IDK. IDC. IDGAF. aka I don't know, I don't care, I don't give a f***. Seriously you have zero f***s to give so you might as well use this gift to tell people to be quiet around you.
- 100 pages
- 6 x 9 page size
- Lined pages with Hashmarks for dates
- Cream/Ivory colored paper
- Soft cover / paperback
- Matte finish cover
This is a great unique gift idea under $10 for:
- Christmas present
- Cheap stocking stuffer idea
- Gift for sassy women