Publisher's Synopsis
If there is a bridge to Prince Edward Island from Nova Scotia it should follow that there is one from British Columbia to Tokyo, at least according to Ms. Stinky. When Ms. Stinky finds out she cannot drive from Vancouver Island to Tokyo, she and Foxy decide to fly there. Once in Japan. Ms. Stinky and Foxy get hammered in Shinjuku Park and take in the cherry blossoms. There they meet a sow named Barb who immediately sees that Ms. Stinky could be her ticket to defrauding the sumo wrestling industry to the tune of millions of pails of slops. When Foxy runs into problems in Japan he begs Miss Kitty, Nipinator and Lily Pad for help so they come to Japan to help him in spite of his past verbal abuse and stupidity. They arrive only to find out he has left for Bangkok without having had the decency to tell them. One thing leads to another and Foxy ends up taking another plane trip as freight. Ms. Stinky sees herself as God's gift to sumo wrestling at 1200 pounds but Barb has other, more lucrative ideas.Every Village Needs an Idiot Series celebrates the good fortune we have in Canada to always have strong competition for the position of village idiot in every community. In the series we learn about some of the animals that are the strongest candidates for these positions in Victoria, BC neighbourhoods and adjoining cities. Ms. Stinky, Dr. Ponzi, Foxy Ferguson, Luna Tick, Busy B. Ody, Dr. B. Rayne Fixer, Lily Pad, Nipinator, Miss Kitty, Dips Tick and, other characters show what happens when stupidity, a hoggish lack of manners and no understanding of moral and ethics are combined with a healthy dose of arrogance, grandiosity and self-centredness.