Publisher's Synopsis
The second edition of Intermediate Dynamics is an improved and expanded version of the first edition, which was based on more than 10 years of teaching dynamics at the Air Force Institute of Technology. This book is suitable as a text for a graduate or advanced undergraduate course covering dynamics in three dimensions. The methods and techniques presented in the book have been tested in the classroom, as well as in research projects requiring the derivation of the equations for a dynamic system.In order to expand the treatment of Analytical Dynamics, the second edition has been divided into two parts: Newtonian Dynamics and Analytical Dynamics. The first chapter of Part I is devoted to the vector mathematics used throughout the book. Then, there are individual chapters covering particle kinematics and dynamics, and rigid body kinematics (expanded) and dynamics. Part II starts with a chapter that discusses work and energy as applied to dynamic systems. The remaining chapters cover Lagrange's equation, Hamilton's Law and principles, and a new chapter that focuses on the use of Lagrange multipliers.Principles introduced in the text are demonstrated using 56 solved examples distributed throughout the text. There are also problems at the end of each chapter which can be used for homework assignments. Also included are three appendices that document all possible combinations of orientation angles, expand the discussion of taking time derivatives of dyads, and list useful vector and vector-dyadic identities.