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The Adventures of EMMA

The Adventures of EMMA

Paperback (19 Sep 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

When William meets Emma, she is famished, dehydrated and barely alive, having run away from an abusive owner. Although a vet suggests putting the dog down, William takes her into his household, along with his wife and two huge dogs.

As the months pass, Emma gains more confidence and independence. After Emma regains her strength, she is excited to explore her new surroundings. She ventures out on her own. Upon seeing her return one day, William turns to a visitor and concedes, "That's Emma being Emma."

Each adventure is a new experience for Emma, whether it is by herself or accompanied by William or William's wife Molly and one of the dogs. Emma learns that every person brings new perspectives and lessons. If you look beneath the surface, you will see the true heart of a person. Some people are unkind like her former owner, while some people are really special like William and William's friend Elijah and other people whom she meets along the way.

Book information

ISBN: 9781684982837
Publisher: Publishing Services Consortium, LLC (Psc)
Imprint: Newman Springs
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 114
Weight: 213g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 8mm