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Goldie Vance: Larceny in La La Land

Goldie Vance: Larceny in La La Land - Goldie Vance

Graphic ed

Paperback (03 Sep 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Goldie, Diane, and Cheryl find themselves jetsetting to sunny Los Angeles for a break but are drawn into a deeply personal investigation in this all new original graphic novel.


Thanks to a serendipitous conflagration of events, Goldie, Diane, and Cheryl find themselves jetsetting to sunny Los Angeles! While Cheryl pursues space dreams at JPL and Diane continues her work as a remote scout for a music label, Goldie finds her days lost in the haze of old Hollywood, becoming friendly with a silent film start long past her prime. But when she's framed for stealing, Goldie must dive back into her secret history in Tinsel Town to get to the bottom of it! 

Acclaimed writer Jackie Ball (Welcome to Wanderland) and artist Mollie Rose (Steven Universe) present the return of everyone's favorite young detective in an all new mystery with all the glitz, glamor and giant secrets you'd expect from Goldie!

Book information

ISBN: 9781684155446
Publisher: BOOM! Box
Imprint: BOOM! Box
Pub date:
Edition: Graphic ed
DEWEY: 741.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 294g
Height: 168mm
Width: 258mm
Spine width: 9mm