DOS Crimenes

DOS Crimenes El Escritor Imprescindible de La Literatura Mexicana Contemporanea.

Paperback (15 Nov 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Un hombre inocente es buscado por la policia. Decide ocultarse en un lugar apartado mientras pasa el peligro, pero no tiene dinero. Para conseguirlo viaja a una ciudad de provincia y llega a la casa de su tio, que es el hombre mas rico de la region. En los dias que siguen, es perseguido, a pesar de su inocencia, teje, con las mentiras que cuenta, las pasiones que provoca, sus propias pasiones y las ambiciones de sus parientes, un enredo del que van a resultar dos crimenes. Description in English: An innocent man is wanted by the police. He decided to hide in a secluded place to avoid the passing danger, but has no money. To get money he travels to a provincial town and arrives at the house of his uncle who is the richest man in the region. In the days following, he is wanted, despite his innocence, he weaves, with the lies he tells, the passions he stirs, his own passions and the ambitions of his relatives, a tangle of which two crimes will be the outcome.

Book information

ISBN: 9781681654195
Publisher: Booket Mexico
Imprint: Booket Mexico
Pub date:
Weight: -1g