Dot To Dot 100 Connect the Dot Fun Puzzles

Dot To Dot 100 Connect the Dot Fun Puzzles

Paperback (31 Mar 2015)

  • $15.67
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Publisher's Synopsis

Connect the dots are highly effective puzzles that are used to stimulate a child's mind. By connecting the dots, children get to count the numbers or read the letters while finishing up some dot-to-dot work. In addition, the daily use of dot-to-dot puzzles help refine your child's motor skills. Be a great parent! Train your child to write, read and count through connect the dot puzzles!

Book information

ISBN: 9781681451992
Publisher: Speedy Publishing LLC
Imprint: Speedy Publishing Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 50
Weight: 160g
Height: 216mm
Width: 280mm
Spine width: 3mm