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We the People

We the People Writing the Constitution - Behind the Curtain

Paperback (01 Jan 2022)

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Hardback (01 Jan 2022) $36.19

Publisher's Synopsis

The events surrounding the creation of the U.S. Constitution did not look the same to everyone involved. Readers can step back in time and into the shoes of a serving girl at a Pennsylvania boardinghouse, a law clerk in the state of Virginia, and an apprentice printer as readers act out scenes that took place in the midst of this historic event. Written with simplified, considerate text to help struggling readers, books in this series are made to build confidence as readers engage and read aloud. Includes a table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and timeline.

Book information

ISBN: 9781668900642
Publisher: 45th Parallel Press
Imprint: 45th Parallel Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 342.73029
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 45g
Height: 224mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 5mm