A Maritime Kill Web Force In The Making

A Maritime Kill Web Force In The Making Deterrence And Warfighting In The 21st Century

Paperback (10 Jul 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

As Vice Admiral (Retired) Dewolfe Miller underscores: "Ultimately, peer threats are what drives change and inspires clarity in the way the Navy mans, trains, and equips its forces to defend freedom and deter aggression on a global scale. "A Maritime Kill Web Force in the Making" is the story of the evolution of the US Navy and its preparation for high-end warfare. This is essential because the future of combat is to bring trusted and verifiable assets to the fight. The emphasis has been on connectivity, accelerated tactical decision making, as well as common equipment, that allows integration of systems within single services, across services and into allied services in a deliberate and disciplined manner. This publication provides a timely reminder of why the transformation of today's force is so necessary."

Book information

ISBN: 9781667838595
Publisher: BookBaby
Imprint: BookBaby
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 310
Weight: 494g
Height: 228mm
Width: 6mm
Spine width: 152mm