Publisher's Synopsis
This complete original radio broadcast of the third Farewell (June 10, 1989) features boogie piano player Butch Thompson, Robin and Linda Williams doing their show-stopping Mavis and Marvin Smiley routine, a News from Lake Wobegon monologue, and the latest on Buster the Show Dog. Contents: Hello Love, Westbound Passenger Train, Powdermilk Biscuits, A Solas, Fat, Buster the Show Dog, News From Lake Wobegon (Part One), Gospel Medley, History, Mavis & Marvin Smiley, Tell Me Why, Ecuadorian Memories, Reaching Out, Don't Let Me Come Home a Stranger, News from Lake Wobegon (Part Two), News from Lake Wobegon (Part Two, continued), You don't knock, Ezekiel, Wobegon Finale.