Publisher's Synopsis
What is good about this book? Well, how about, that it reminds us not to forget about the things we love and admire: our beloved people and pets, the beauty of nature, the energy and excitement of sports and the sporting world, the desire to rise up to and meet the awesome challenges of our times - be they economical, ecological, epidemiological, achieving harmony of the races, meeting the concerns of the LGBTQ community, or the simple wish to make/see our leaders working together to build the good/better/best democracy that is within our reach! What is good about this book? Put together here in this book, the reader will find plenty to love and aspire to. The purpose of these poems and essays: is not to change the world but to change someone's world - yours and mine, that of the writer and the reader - for better! And if it does that, then it's two more people than none, who have learned the importance of being able to speak: Sois-healy! Self healing, and a healthy mental outlook, being the first step towards trying our best to achieve: "the things we essay for love".