Publisher's Synopsis
Event management practitioners must embrace new knowledge domains and innovation in order to adapt to a rapidly changing business environment and fickle consumer demand. Event organisations cannot afford to adopt a "status quo" mentality, thinking that if they have managed the core areas of their events successfully in the past that consumers will continue to attend. Event studies educators and researchers, must live up to their part of the bargain in pushing the knowledge boundaries of the field, collaborating with practitioners where possible and disseminating valuable insights to industry in easily consumed forms. They must also ensure that event management graduates, as likely contributors to, and possible future leaders of the field, have the optimal skill set to enable them to work, grow and adapt in industry (Junek et al., 2009; Robertson et al., 2012), and in the process, changing the landscape of event management as we currently know it. Adapt Plan And expand your Shows and Artists with the help of Music Event Journal