Paperback (30 Jul 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The book contains a detailed explanation of how a person's gender plays a vital role for his/her survival. We know that our society recognises only two gender, i.e. male and female and if anybody is found otherwise, than that person becomes an alien for the same. Therefore, the book tries to focus into how a person identifying himself to be trapped in a wrong body tries to cross each and every hurdles in his life and also tries to highlight the struggles that they go through to earn their daily living and acquire a proper identity in this vast and cruel world.

We live in a democratic country which has a lengthy and praiseworthy Constitution giving every citizen of India their rights to avoid exploitation and also recommends both Citizens and non-citizens to adhere to the rules and regulations prescribed in it. Therefore, in such a diversified Nation where everyone resides with co-operation, than why do the society forgets that even the Trangender are human beings? Why do they consider them as aliens?

Transgender is an umbrella term, this book mainly focus on the life of Hijras, it tries to enlighten all the arenas of their life, from rejection to how they struggle to earn their living in a world where people don't even consider them as human beings like other normal beings. The book also talks about the irony that at one phase the Hijras are treated as unwanted or shameful elements while on the other hand they blessings and curse becomes a weapon of God in their life.

Book information

ISBN: 9781649831415
Publisher: Repro India Limited
Imprint: Notion Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 76
Weight: 109g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 5mm