Fish for Kids

Fish for Kids A Junior Scientist's Guide to Diverse Habitats, Colorful Species, and Life Underwater - Junior Scientists

Paperback (20 Apr 2021)

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Hardback (21 Jun 2022) $18.89

Publisher's Synopsis

Splash into the incredible world of fish with the Junior Scientists series for kids ages 6 to 9

Get up close and personal with the fascinating fish that live all around the world. Fish for Kids is full of colorful photos and illustrations that help you explore 35 different species, from goldfish and neon tetras to eels and great white sharks!

  • Interactive learning-Unlike other fish books for kids, this one features hands-on activities and tips for going fishing or keeping your own aquarium.
  • Fun facts-Learn how fish use camouflage, how they find food, and which fish can swim almost 70 miles per hour!
  • Fishy profiles-Go beyond other fish books for kids with complete profiles on freshwater and saltwater fish, including where they live, how big they get, and more.

Take a peek into the lives of fish in this standout choice among fish books for kids.

Book information

ISBN: 9781648768002
Publisher: Callisto Media
Imprint: Rockridge Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 88
Weight: 204g
Height: 203mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 6mm