Mahabharate Ki Ki Tthya Achhe Ja Ajo Prasangik? / মহাভারতে কী কী তথ্য চিত্রিত আছে যা আজও  প্রাসঙ্গিক ? : What information is depicted in the Mahabharata that is relevant today?

Mahabharate Ki Ki Tthya Achhe Ja Ajo Prasangik? / মহাভারতে কী কী তথ্য চিত্রিত আছে যা আজও প্রাসঙ্গিক ? : What information is depicted in the Mahabharata that is relevant today?

Paperback (06 Apr 2020) | Bengali

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Mahabharata is the wisdom of being born from the womb of desire, the epic is the teaching of the essence of life, the religion of humanity, the education of the up and coming off the wings. There are ways beyond that which point to the possibilities of various scientific discoveries about life philosophy, about people, about war, and which are still relevant today. It is also hidden in the history of human civilization, which can surprisingly increase human knowledge in the fields of knowledge, science, astronomy, religion, etc. Mahabharata teaches us what is karma and what is good and which is evil. And it teaches that religion has to be followed at all times. Protesting wrongs such as religion; Religion is the same as expressing the truth. It is not a religion to suppress the truth and discriminate in the heart. Each story here is a source of knowledge and management of learning new areas of human life. Every character of the Mahabharata teaches us something. Whether the fight between a family for land or the issue of an 'illegitimate' child is very well described in this remarkable epic, on a family and society. Unfortunately, even today, the Indian society has failed utterly to grasp the pearls of wisdom in this great epic. Unfortunately, as a society, we still do not understand the true value of a compromise, which is why our own egotistical arrogance and greed come in the way of our reasoning and we don't agree to get a solution.

Book information

ISBN: 9781648698170
Publisher: Repro India Limited
Imprint: Notion Press
Pub date:
Language: Bengali
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 236g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 9mm