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The Story of Britain

The Story of Britain

Hardback (08 Jul 2022)

  • $50.94
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Publisher's Synopsis

Every student of English history will enjoy this story, which is delightfully easy to read and remarkable for its insights into the deepest consequences of individual actions.

The Story of Britain is an accessible one-volume history that clearly depict Britain's origins-and explain how the past shaped the nation's current identity. He begins the story of Britain from the very earliest recorded Celtic times, and with this new edition has now brought it up to date via the Blair years and into the present day of Brexit Britain.

A magnificently eloquent volume, the narrative chronicles two thousand years of Britain's history, the triumph of its people, the glory of its culture, and its dramatic influence on other nations of the world, especially the United States. It is a remarkable achievement and, with his passion, enthusiasm and wide-ranging knowledge, Strong is the ideal narrator. The book is ideally suited for everyone who cares about Britain's past.

Book information

ISBN: 9781643130132
Publisher: Pegasus Books
Imprint: Pegasus Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 941
Language: English
Number of pages: 624
Weight: 771g
Height: 236mm
Width: 160mm
Spine width: 46mm