Publisher's Synopsis
"Life is about exercising choices!
So, you read recently that many lawyers are depressed and unhappy about their profession. Pick up almost any bar journal and you will read about how "leadership" is putting together more educational programs, so you can learn how to be happier in your chosen profession.
I've got news for you. There are a ton of us out there who have fun, make money, and enjoy being lawyers all without screwing up our personal lives.
You should read this book if you:
[[ Are the owner of a small law firm and don't have any hang-ups about talking about your law firm in terms of enhancing profits.
[[ Like strategizing about how to build a real business that brings you joy and happiness.
[[ Are okay with only choosing clients you actually like working with.
[[ Believe that building a workforce that looks forward to Monday morning sounds like something you'd like to do.
Don't waste your time on this book if you:
[[ Think that being the best lawyer in town entitles you to any