Publisher's Synopsis
"Driven by grief over the loss of his beloved wife and child, Tyrell Thompsett left the home of his childhood in the Medicine Bow mountains and started South in a quest for a new life. With his long-time friend, Grey Wolf, a warrior of the Yamparika Ute, who was on his own quest, the two start the long trek to the Sangre de Cristo mountains and a new beginning. Ty was bound for Fort Garland and a scouting job with General Kit Carson that he hoped would give direction to this new part of his life and Grey Wolf was searching for a life partner. The adventure takes them into the unsettled land of the San Luis Valley, historical discoveries, and conflicts with prospectors, settlers, and Indians. After a battle with the Apache, Ty and his new friend and fellow scout go South to Taos Pueblo and are surprised at a new friendship and a change of plans for the formerly grieving man. After conflicts with the Mouache and the Jicarilla, Ty's troubl