Publisher's Synopsis
APEX Test Prep's SIE Exam Prep 2021 and 2022: Security Industry Essentials Study Guide Book with 3 Practice Tests [3rd Edition]
APEX Test Prep believes that preparing for the Series SIE exam shouldn't be harder than the test itself.
To that end, we pack our products with everything you need. This includes testing tips, clear instruction, comprehensive material, practice questions, and detailed answer explanations.
We want you to succeed. Get a copy of our APEX Test Prep Series SIE study guide to get access to:
- -Knowledge of Capital Markets: Regulatory Entities, Agencies, and Market Participants, Market Structure, Economic Factors, and Offerings
-Understanding Products and Their Risks: Products and Investment Risks
-Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities: Trading, Settlement and Corporate Actions, Customer Accounts and Compliance Considerations, and Prohibited Activities
-Overview of the Regulatory Framework: SRO Regulatory Requirements for Associated Persons, and Employee Conduct and Reportable Events
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