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Baby Leopards

Baby Leopards - Animal Babies Set Three

Paperback (01 Jan 2022)

  • $11.57
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Book (01 Jan 2022) - Bearcub books $33.80

Publisher's Synopsis

A fury baby leopard is born with its eyes closed. The little cub will not open them until it is about one week old. Follow along with this leopard cub as it makes its way through the world. Watch it learn to swim, climb, and hunt. Simple text paired with adorable pictures helps build reading confidence for animal-loving early readers.

Book information

ISBN: 9781636913636
Publisher: Bearport Publishing
Imprint: Bearcub Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 599.75541392
Language: English
Weight: 136g
Height: 191mm
Width: 188mm
Spine width: 8mm