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Tropical Rainforests (Somali-English)

Tropical Rainforests (Somali-English) Keymaha Roobleyda Ee Torobikaalka - Language Lizard Bilingual Explore

Paperback (13 Jun 2023) | Somali

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Publisher's Synopsis

How tall are the trees in a tropical rainforest?

What animals live in tropical rainforests?

Learn all about the tropical rainforest and the species that call it home.

This book is part of the Language Lizard Explore collection, which uses vibrant illustrations and simple text to help readers discover the world around them.

Tropical Rainforests is available as a bilingual book in many languages and includes teacher resources and English audio.

The other books in the Language Lizard Habitat series are:

  • Coral Reefs by Anita McCormick, Illustrated by Anya Tan
  • Deserts by Anita McCormick, Illustrated by Dmitry Fedorov

Book information

ISBN: 9781636854359
Publisher: Language Lizard, LLC
Imprint: Language Lizard, LLC
Pub date:
Language: Somali
Number of pages: 26
Weight: 91g
Height: 254mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 2mm