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The FBI Inspector

The FBI Inspector

Paperback (11 Mar 2016)

  • $28.96
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Publisher's Synopsis

The FBI Inspector is a collection of twenty-five Inspector Joe Giralo stories, several of which also appear in The Psychic Dimension and The Psychic Dimension, Part II, and the book is author Jay Dubya's fiftieth published hardcover/paperback work. In his FBI detective adventures, inimitable Inspector Giralo is assisted by his three loyal subordinates, agents Sal Velardi, Art Orsi and Dan Blachford. Other story collections produced by this prolific author are The Psychic Dimension, The Psychic Dimension, Part II, First Person Stories, Modern Mythology, Prime-Time Crime Time, UFO: Utterly Fantastic Occurrences, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Snake Eyes and Boxcars, Part II, Time Travel Tales, Suite 16, One Baker's Dozen, Two Baker's Dozen, RAM: Random Articles and Manuscripts, Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight, Part II, Pieces of Eight, Part III, Pieces of Eight, Part IV, Nine New Novellas, Nine New Novellas, Part II, Nine New Novellas, Part III and Nine New Novellas, Part IV.

Book information

ISBN: 9781634983174
Publisher: Bookstand Publishing
Imprint: Bookstand Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 406
Weight: 467g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 21mm