Understanding Biocentrism: The True Nature of the Universe Revealed

Understanding Biocentrism: The True Nature of the Universe Revealed Discover How Life and Consciousness Unveil the True Nature of The Universe

eBook (24 Jul 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Have You Ever Wondered About The True Nature Of The Universe? What Is Beyond The Mysterious Beyond? Is There Another Life Somewhere? While many explorers are trying to find answers to our questions, Dr. Robert Lanza comes forward with a revolutionary new view of the universe. Understanding Biocentrism will trigger more questions that relate to our traditional ideas of life, space, and death. Biocentrism seem to bridge the gap between the existences of life contradicting the teachings of physics. This book penetrates biocentrism and the ideology of Dr. Robert Lanza and other professionals before him who in one way or another shares the same ideology as he does. This book attempts to answer the following questions: o What is biocentrism? o What is the connection of biocentrism and the universe? o What are the teachings of quantum physics and biocentrism? o What is the ideology behind intellicentrism and universecentrism? o How are these ideology compare to biocentrism? o What are the principles of biocentrism?

Book information

ISBN: 9781634282376
Publisher: Speedy Publishing LLC
Imprint: Inge Baum
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: -1g