Publisher's Synopsis
September 1583. Roanoke Island. 17-year-old Alsoomse and 19-year-old Wanchese, sister and brother -- strong-willed, quick to oppose injustices - are about to endure a series of events that will test their commitment to realize ambitious goals that endanger their lives and the welfare of individuals close to them.
Wanchese's short-temper and quest to prove himself worthy of his deceased father's expectations lead him several times into mortal combat: twice on a trading mission and several times when his tribe attacks its worst enemy. Standing in his way to achieve high status as a warrior is the tribal war chief, Andacon, whose enmity Wanchese incited early in the novel.
Alsoomse pushes continuously against tribal convention, the imposed role of women, and the dictatorial authority of men, rulers and priests. Her outspokenness causes her great hardship during her weroansqua's tribal visit to Croatoan and much later when she unwittingly challenges religious belief.
Evil, personified by Askook, brother of the tribe's weroansqua, disrupts continuously the well-being of the main characters and their friends.
English interest in colonization is narrated intermittently. Explorers and Algonquians interact at the story's end.