Publisher's Synopsis
How To Grow a More Productive Garden Using Companion Planting I Believe Everyone Can Grow Healthier Gardens Using Companion Gardening Techniques You could be just months away from a healthier, more abundant harvest of delicious, fresh organic food. In this book, you will learn how to: Grow Stronger Plants With Companion Planting Some plants resist and repel pests, some plants fix nitrogen, some plants function better with fungal and bacterial allies, and some plants just love to grow together! In Companion Gardening, you'll learn about some of the strongest and most productive companion planting pairings so that you can grow a healthier, happier garden with more food, flowers and fun for everyone (especially the plants!). If you've had trouble with insect pests or fungal blights destroying your crops, companion planting may be the organic, all-natural solution for finally fighting off these harmful intruders! Grow Vegetables and Food Crops Easier It doesn't have to be a huge struggle to grow vegetables and food. With companion planting, you can grow a more diverse garden, have more fun designing it and picking out your crops, and enjoy the fruits of your labor that much more with the extra yield. If you're looking for gardening books on kindle and you're ready to start companion gardening, this is the book for you! Ready to start gardening? Let's go! Learn how to grow an extraordinary garden now. Scroll up & click the buy button to get started.