Publisher's Synopsis
Ocean Mist, Delaware belongs to Private Eye Jimmy Grits, and the likes of Skee-Ball Granny, The Mime, and Elbow Patches can't take it from him-or, can they? Jimmy and Ocean Mist's tinker descend into a criminal underworld beyond the reach of the police, the F.B.I., and even the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The unlikely pair risk everything they hold dear to keep sun-seeking tourists and innocent residents safe, but will they realize before the town is lost something sinister, calculating, and patient has been playing a long game? Like Jimmy's mother always told him, "Once you butter your grits, it's time for breakfast."
Dave first encountered Jimmy while walking in downtown Rehoboth Beach, Delaware on a moonless night. "Hey, buddy," came from an alley's shadows, "want to hear a story?" Next came an offer Dave couldn't refuse. "What do you say, we write my memoir?" Dave, a career Social Studies teacher in the public school system, has published many short works of fiction and nonfiction. Jimmy Grits, Private Eye represents a new chapter in his life. You can often find Dave and his wife Judy walking their puggle Aubrey in Lancaster, Pennsylvania or Rehoboth Beach. Learn more about Dave and his writing at